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# Article Title Hits
261 Astra 1M sucessfully launched 11655
262 Venesat 1 Launched Sucessfully 12004
263 Galaxy 19 is launched successfully 12076
264 Nimiq 4 was successfully launched from Baikonur 11966
265 Superbird-7 and AMC-21 successful launch 11544
266 Echostar XI orbited successfully 12350
267 Protostar I and BADR-6 launched successfully! 11702
268 Kazsat-1 is likely to be lost 11193
269 Chinasat-9 Satellite launched for Olympic TV broadcast 12403
270 Sucessful launch of Skynet 5C and Turksat 3A 13697
271 Galaxy 18 launched successfully 12990
272 Express AM22 Problems 13879
273 AMOS-3 Communications Satellite Successfully Launched 13981
274 Arianespace orbits Star One C2 and VINASAT-1 13388
275 DirecTV 11 Launched successfully 13413
276 AMC-14 Proton launch anomaly 14203
277 THOR 5 successfully launched 13193
278 Express AM33 launched 13337
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